Thank you, everyone, for your contributions to the discussion of a===================================
National Library Camp at the recent ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia.
Most of you were able to attend our one hour discussion. Special thanks to
Sharon Saulmon for sharing information about the IMLS funded Information
Matrix camp in Oklahoma.
Let me see if I can recap what we have decided to do next.
We would like to schedule a meeting of a larger group discussion at the
2008 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim. The agenda for this meeting would
A. Presentation by Sharon Saulmon on the Information Matrix camp,
including background on the camp, sample curriculum, and lessons learned.
B. Work session with attendees completing a plan for a
locally developed library camp including a funding plan and an outline of
sample curriculum
What do we need to do next?
1. How long should this meeting be? (I suggest that we schedule 2 hours.)
2. When should the meeting take place? (We might want to poll some
possibly interested parties, especially ALA's youth divisions.)
Sharon: I'll work on a first draft of the worksheets for the event. Could
you please send me a text file of your Information Matrix camp curriculum
sheet? I'll convert this into a generic file. Also, please remind me of
the total amount of IMLS funding you received. I'll also use this as a
base figure on a budget planning sheet that we can use at the meeting.
Cheers and thanks,
Loriene Roy
For the meeting in during the 2008 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA, the Emerging Leader team will do a brief 10 minute intro covering our initial study for a National Library Camp (similar to Jolie's presentation in Chicago). We'll also look into inviting other interested parties that were involved in our study.
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